Nhận định Seoul E-Land vs Chungnam Asan Hạng 2 Hàn Quốc


Key: The last 8/9 matches of Chungnam Asan away from home were about talent.

Comment on match results

Chungnam Asan is a team with better performance than Seoul E Land in recent times. Specifically, Chungnam Asan won the last 5/10 matches. And Seoul E Land lost the last 4/5 matches at home, the last 3/5 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches at home. Therefore, it will be difficult for Seoul E Land to win against Chungnam Asan in this match.

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Judging the number of goals

According to the statistics of the last 6/8 matches of Seoul E Land, the last 6/9 matches of Chungnam Asan away, the last 6/10 matches of Seoul E Land at home, the last 3/5 matches of Chungnam Asan 3 goals have been scored. Therefore, the confrontation on the field between Seoul E Land and Chungnam Asan is highly likely to have at least 3 goals scored.

Head-to-head Analysis Seoul E Land vs Chungnam Asan

Confrontation history shows that in the last 10 away games at Seoul E Land"s home ground, Chungnam Asan won 6 draws 3 lost 1, 6/10 matches had no more than 2 goals scored, in the last 2 visits. Most Chungnam Asan drew 1 lost 1. Calculating the past 20 confrontations, Seoul E Land won 2 drew 5 lost 13, 10/20 matches ended with more than 2 goals scored, only 4 close confrontations were counted. Seoul E Land won 1 draw 1 lost 2.

Performance Analysis Seoul E Land vs Chungnam Asan

Seoul E Land did not win the last 7/10 matches, did not win the last 5/5 matches. At home, Seoul E Land did not win the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.

Chungnam Asan did not win the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches. Away from home, coach Dong-hyeok Park"s team did not win the last 8/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.

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Analysis of Asian odds Seoul E Land vs Chungnam Asan

Seoul E Land did not win 6/10 recent Asian matches, of which the last 4/5 matches did not win. At home, Seoul E Land did not win the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 4/5 matches.

Chungnam Asan won 5/10 matches according to the recent Asian rafters, of which the last 3/5 matches did not win. Away from coach Dong-hyeok Park"s team did not win the last 6/10 matches, did not win the last 3/5 matches.

Analysis of the performance of Seoul E Land vs Chungnam Asan

According to the over and under, Seoul E Land finished in the last 6/10 matches, over in the last 3/5 matches. At home, Seoul E Land finished in the last 6/10 matches, and lost in the last 3/5 matches.

According to the over-under match, Chungnam Asan finished in the last 6/10 matches, and finished in the last 4/5 matches. Away from home, coach Dong-hyeok Park"s team finished in the last 8/10 matches, and finished in the last 4/5 matches.

Pick: Chungnam Asan (+1/4).

Predicting fortune and fainting: Tai.

Predict the score: 2-2.

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ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ phocohanoi7 (phocohanoi7-at-gmail-dot-com) :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2023-07-31 11:32:42

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